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What's in a Burger?

What's in a Burger?
By Sophie Neubauer, 2020 WVU graduate, geography

painting of person eating burger

Media: paint, pen, pencil on paper

Description: Everybody needs food. Everybody needs to eat. But the existing structures that make much of our food possible are not that straight-forward.

Artist Statement

In thinking about the violence that characterizes our food systems along with how a certain degree of carelessness dominates American culture (which contributes to keeping things to continue as they are), I created a painting of a face consuming a cheeseburger in one bite. Violence is inscribed on the burger. The face is lined, tired, but eager to eat. While it is the embodiment of carelessness, the face isn't necessarily any villain or meant to induce guilt. The eyes are looking away to pretend to not notice what their burger is made of. The dynamics are complex and not what people care about when they're trying to enjoy a burger. The image overall aims to convey how food and eating, basic necessities, are much more political and complex topics than many would enjoy to think about. 

"White toxicity Systemic Racism Food Moralizations Colonization Hyper Individualistic White Supremacy Land Theft Food Appropriation / Corporate interests prioritized / Labor exploitation Sustainability Issues / Proximity to Power Socio-Economic Status"